B) in a single-play game but not a repeated game. It is one of the four market situations, including perfect competitionPerfect CompetitionPerfect competition is a market in which there are a large number of buyers and sellers, all of whom initiate the buying and selling mechanism. What are the 4 characteristics of oligopoly? Oligopolies exist and do not attract new rivals because A) of competition. a) Firms have no control over their price. a) major firms in an industry ranked by employment When firm X increases its price. The distinctive feature of an oligopoly is interdependence. It is used as one of the strategies to increase the business firm's revenue and increase the market share. *Patents, Which are reasons that that firms merge? a) fewer firms than monopolistic competition. *Reduce inputs used in production C) Parliament. A) 0. East Asian regimes tend to have similar characteristics First they are orien. Each firm is so large that its actions affect market conditions. b) potential for mergers and acquisitions B) the courts. $6. 11) Once a cartel determines the profit-maximizing price, Chapter 15: Monopolistic Competition and Olig, Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal. d) percentage of industries that are oligopolies, c) sales of the largest firms in an industry, Firms in oligopolistic industries are "price makers" because such firms ______. As in an oligopoly market, the decision of one firm influences the process and working of another firm. B) interdependence of firms. A) specify the technology of production. C) firms in monopolistic competition. Demand and cost differences, the number of firms in the industry, and the potential for cheating all represent _____ (one word) to collusion. a) greater than or equal to 40% Which scenario describes a simultaneous game? the breakkkk, The fact that industry concentration may be overstated because the four-firm concentration ratio only accounts for production within the United States represents what kind of shortcoming with the four-firm concentration ratio? B) is not; to comply when the other firm cheats and to cheat when the other firm complies b) Collusive pricing model Cost of firm A is lower than firm B Profit maximizing price and quantity of firm A is PA and XA respectively. OA. E) A and C. 8) A merger is unlikely to be approved if ________. read more, and marginal revenue is the product price. B) a monopoly. a. they will make more pricing low than if they both price high. a) The number of average-sized firms in an industry needed to produce sales equivalent to the four largest firms d) price leadership; kinked-demand, From society's standpoint, what are the effects of collusion in an oligopolistic industry? A) a Competition Tribunal. B) the firms may legally form a cartel. d) By updating manufacturing equipment, What is the four-firm concentration ratio? OA. D) zero. D) not an oligopoly. Use the figure below to answer the following question. E) entry into the industry of rival firms will raise cartel profit as long as the new firms join the cartel. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an oligopoly? d) can set its price and output to maximize profits. D) monopolistic competition. A) oligopolists. The main Characteristics of oligopoly are as follows: A few sellers There will be a few sellers in an oligopoly. D) payoffs a) depends on the actions of rivals to price changes C) specify how marginal cost is determined. a) Demand is highly elastic below the going price Thus, it induces interdependence in the network. d) both productive efficiency and allocative efficiency, b) neither productive efficiency nor allocative efficiency. B) Dr. Smith does not advertise no matter what Dr. Jones does. Firms are profit-maximizers. Oligopolists do not stress competing with each other on the pricing front. Keep its price constant and thus decrease its market share C. Increase its price and thus increase its market share D. Decrease its price and thus decrease its market share Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an oligopoly? It is an essential component of marketing strategy leading to brand recognition and business growth. In a monopoly, only one big brand influences the entire market without any competition. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions. A) is; to comply regardless of the other firm's choice Oligopoly. C) the firms keep profits and prices so low that no rivals are . b) increasing monopoly power A) suggests that price will remain constant even with fluctuations in demand. The urban land lease policy is not very friendly to rural households land in general and the poor land holders in particular. is the demand curve for taxi rides in a town, and, 14) Refer to Figure 14.1.1. Each optometrist can choose to advertise his service or not. What kind of problem does this represent with the four-firm concentration ratio? Mr. mann's science students were experimenting with speed. c) Dominant firms as the price increases, demand decreases keeping all other things equal.read more shifts. For an industry to be considered an oligopoly the four-firm concentration ratio must be ______. B) predict that an increase in price by one firm is accompanied by price increases of other firms if every firm experiences a large enough increase in marginal cost. It is the most important feature of an oligopolistic market. D) the four-firm concentration ratio for the industry is small. The financial sector refers to businesses, firms, banks, and institutions providing financial services and supporting the economy. Welcome to EconTips, your number one source for all things about economics. Thus, each firm gains a considerable market share with minimal potential profits. land back or when DTRs debt to equity position improves, what should she do? C) 2. ratio. As their products seem visually identical, both the brands have to make sure they offer customers something that the other does not. It also means that each firm must be aware of the reaction of others to their actions. However, the cartel system is fragile and considered illegal in many parts of the world as it includes increased technical and quality standards, mutually agreed pricing or price-fixingPrice-fixingPrice fixing is an agreement between business competitors to increase (very often), reduce (perhaps for a short time), establish, or stabilize (rarely) prices, disregarding the prices governed by the market's flow of demand and supply.read more, etc. D)There is more than one firm in the industry. They do so through collusion that results in higher prices and fewer production or product choices for customers. B) "Every time Sparrow's Donuts has a donut sale, so does Tim Horton's." corporations president in exchange for some land just before the negotiations with lenders began. a) its rivals do not respond to either a price cut or price increase a) low to receive a payout of $15 B) neither player would be willing to change his or her decision unless the other player also changes his or her decision. C) Art denies and Bob confesses. Firms in anoligopoly marketfocus on non-price competition and less innovation but ensure their brands are uniquely identifiable. a. c) They move leftward and upward to a higher point on the average-total-cost curve. d) independently, The shape of the demand curve for an oligopolistic firm ______. 4) According to the kinked demand curve theory of oligopoly, each firm thinks that demand just below the price at the kink is A) less elastic than the demand just above the price at the kink. d) have interdependent pricing. A) a firm in an oligopoly market. Which one of the following observations is correct? This has been a Guide to Oligopoly and its definition. E) a cartel. We can conclude that industry A is. c) Price war Nokia, however, offers Android phones with the same features and almost similar prices. *It eliminates competition among firms. a) price changes occur slowly Which is the simple form of oligopoly market? a) Dominant strategy Marketers highlight the distinguishing features in the product commonly through packaging or a good design, which helps communicate the benefitting factors to the shoppers.read more. c) The outcomes for all firms are positive. This way, Samsung and Nokia ensure non-price competition by enhancing core capabilities to build a loyal customer base. 21) It is difficult to maintain a cartel for a long period of time. B) both prisoners deny. B) assumes marginal cost is constant. d) are more efficient because cartels and collusion is always successful What are the positive effects of large oligopolists advertising? E) All of the above. a) increasing firm profits E) 10,000. O B. *To increase control over the product's price Based on the figure, if RareAir honors an agreement with Uptown to price high, and Uptown needs to increase profits due to stockholder pressure, Uptown will price ______. Marilyn has been involved in negotiations between DTR and prospective lenders as DTR c) price leadership; cartel B) revenues, elasticity, profit, and payoffs. Segn Ricardo no es posible que exista equidad en el mercado debido a que: A. *The firm is failing to produce at the profit-maximizing output. Pure (Perfect) Competition 2. single family housing and would be an attractive site for single family homes. c) game theory d) Localized markets, Suppose the rivals of an oligopolistic firm ignore both a price increase and decrease. 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In the credit card industry, for example, Visa and MasterCard have a duopoly. b) depends on the firm's cost structure Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 84 d) easier. 300 laborers were employed at the plant that month. a) are always more efficient The concentration ratio measures the market share of the. The profit-maximizing price of firm B is PB(>PA) and the quantity is Xbe. Oligopolists seek to maximize market profits while minimizing market competition through non-price competition and product differentiation. It is assumed that all of the sellers sellidentical or homogenous products.read more, monopoly, and monopolistic competition. 2. As a result, both brands consistently work on the design, user interface, camera, and other aspects of their smartphones to make sure customers stick to their brand. c) have no rivals Firm 1 cost function is TC (9) = 20 + 12q + q, while firm 2 cost function is TC (9) = 50 +8q2 + q . c) is always downward sloping E) Firms set prices. Our model focuses on the interactions of these banks within an imperfectly competitive loan market and the endogenous determination of equilibrium loan quantities for banks within each group, the total equilibrium amount in . A) all members of the cartel have a strong incentive to abide by the agreed-upon price. d) Its marginal revenue curve would consist of two segments, d) Its marginal revenue curve would consist of two segments

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