Louis approaches and she wakes. Point 8: Again, refer to comments on Henriettes lack of power as a woman and as a subject of the king to say no to said king. Louis pauses, shocked, Marchal grabs his belly, echoing that look, and Im all NOOOOOO! Cassel passes him and bows. Art. Id be happy with either, tbh! she was the one who found it, actually. He did it with Prince Annaba, with Philippe and the Chevalier, with Philippe in the bath whether its just him thinking hey, Im the King, I can do whatever TF I want or some other deep need to catch people unawares, I do not know). P.S. Is he justified in knocking her across the room? Louis persists. I know this coming years later, but to Theresa THANK YOU SO MUCH. How can people not see Rohans calculating glances, his sly little looks? Seems likely in the show (historically, this is not so the case at all). We learn that she has loved Louis since they were children. Dance. Point 7: Chevalier moves in on Henriette the moment her husbands back is turned. In one of the episodes did we see Clermont messing with the doctors box of bottles.. UGH. We stake our claim or we are ploughed into the field. Then he says I pay you to spy on others, not on me. . By this point, Louis had basically forgotten about and gotten over Henriette though this was much to her displeasure and chagrin. Whats wrong? I choose to believe it was a mistake on the writers part and will simply fast forward over it when I rewatch. So he tells Louis he will now deliver the man responsible for their deaths. Anne, Hi Jules I was searching online for reviews/explanations of this show I was never educated about Frances history because I come from the other side of the globe and coincidentally stumbled upon your website, much to my delight. Glad to see he lives on, at least for awhile. Such was the hygiene of 17th century France. . Henriette of England died in Saint-Cloud, not in Versailles. Only a year or so to go until a new season arrived on fledgling network Ovation, its U.S. cable home. And then down by the promontory. YAAAAAY! Theyve always known. UHGGH. Bontemps wants to move her she cannot stay in the Kings bed. but Claudine says she cannot be moved. Louis just nods, gives Philippe a look (who is standing near the doors, looking so alone and sad, I just wanna hug him!) Nothing. I let a wolf back into my barn! Montcourts hand slides to his hip, Marchal sees this (good Chief of Police *pets his pretty head*) and Montcourt still denies, Louis accuses him of poisoning Henriette. Poor Philippe is helpless do something, woman! She has to find the source, which means poking about on Henriettes body, causing agony with every poke. But your first strike would have to be true. he is troubled, hearing Montcourts whispers in his head: When we are the kings enemy, we must make him believe we are his friend. and so on. : . Shes genuinely quite sweet, but tenacious something Im sure our Head of Security will appreciate). Henriette wasnt asking the king to hire a hit on Philippe. It was total and raw and real and I wept long and bitter tears for him. You, me, Henriette. the kiss between the Chevalier and Philippe happens after the war, after Philippe has seen Louis bring Henriette to the front. Henriette drew the worst cards of all four players in those stakes. Louis wakes to the sight of Henriette, blood down her gown and from her mouth, saying help me please. Even gravely ill, she still choses Louis over her husband. Even if I ignore the historical figures behind the show and what I know of their real lives, I cant ignore the historical setting or the social arena in which the show is played. The one she loves the most. All of these things have the power to change a nation from within. You sound worse than Montespan and de Clermont sparring over the card-tables! Its my weekly sin, I confess, Im too addicted to this period to miss it. Such emotion. He sees Louis. I just rot an extremely long omment Louis meanwhile, is disorientated (and by this time I am wondering where the guards are with all this noise, despite Marchal telling them not to disturb them). His grip tightens on the poker, even as Montcourt looks actually shocked at that accusation. Your closest confidants told you to look elsewhere! Close the doors! The Queen adds: we must put her in the bed. Louis nods; in she goes. throughout the show, we see Louis attempts to belittle and emasculate Philippe. God knows the wolves might have taken us but what did we know? FOCUS. Everyone shares a look because, yeah, they know. It is a controlled grief. Versailles 2015 - S01E10 - Bring the Garden Here (High MP4) (WEBM) (Aired: 14 Dec. 2015) Duchess Henriette becomes suddenly ill when she returns from a visit to her brother in England. Is Philippe such a child and so lacking in self-restraint that he cant wait a few extra moments until they, too, were behind closed doors? many things. Louis looks at him as he goes on: I believe this palace is a symbol of our king. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. That doesnt mean a woman would feel affection for her abuser. And Louvois being the pompous ass he is, says haughtily: Before you speak to me, I suggest you speak to the king. Marchal: I am his Majestys eyes and ears, Msieur Louvois. These scenes are odd for me to watch, but by now, I have totally put aside any frustration when the show deviates from what I know of the actual history. on The finale. Rohan took him riding. Then he screams out: CALL THE GUARD!. In the days when it was only you who /truly/ had my back. Lulz. I very much enjoyed reading them and especially liked your additional facts about the historical events and figures. And to Ainee for perspective. He cares for her, but anytime he has to choose between Chevalier and her, he always choose the former. And Louis weeps. He feels betrayed. And then of course, Philippe rapes her (only the once? First off, let me preface my response with the qualifier that I know very little about the historical figures on which these characters are based. The moment stretches and Claudine shakes her head: she will not survive the poison. We see a shot of Philippe and Louis: Philippe is stunned and mega sad. Now this is fascinating. The rape thing was upsetting. Sad to hear well have to wait a year for the next season Are there similar shows to this you could recommend? I really enjoy your reviews. Coming from the quills of noted showrunners David Wolstencroft and Simon Mirren, both known for gripping series with a conspiratorial bent (i.e. My loyalty still lays with Philippe as her husband, he has a right to lay claim to his wife. It could also be argued that Philippe is relatively powerless, but only where Louis, his older brother and his king, is concerned. Ive said this before in comments. I also cannot figure out why Louis and others speak freely in front of the guards when even they are unsure of their loyalty.. Now we are with Marchal, who is interrogating Henriettes ladies, Sophie included. But lets compare: Henriette is jealous. Hes not gonna tell him of Rohan outright, is he? Claudine and Philippe converse, with Claudine saying she feels they are not through the worst. The steps, the swinging of the arms, the movement of the coat and their cravats. Grrrr well Im not writing all that over again. See production, box office & company info. There could have been some anger involved without resorting to rape. As to fiction I found the ones I did read ended up thrown against the wall. I find it interesting that Louis feels the need to add: she came to find me, to put the doubt on Montespans face to rest. Why is his passion for the man he loves to be forgiven and Henriettes passion for the man she loves to be used against her? I also read your discussion between yourself and Teresa about episode 10. I blame it all on Louis! All I could find were negative. Copyright 2023 History Today Ltd. Company no. Looking forward to Season 2!! Some were obviously written for massive impact. And we came here for a visit. Who was that mysterious man in the mask of Apollo who dan. I am a true friend of the king. but Louis knows. She is later arrested as the poisoner as her son is released, but ridiculed from court. Maybe that is where she got the poison she used on Fabien? It is fascinating to compare Philippes two moments of deep anguish side by side: when the Chevalier was arrested, we saw his total and complete breakdown, the slow crumple of his expression from shock, to horror, to abject grief, then as he collapsed to his knees and rocked while he wept. Royal FamilyKing Louis XIV Arranged Marriage: To Marie-Thrse Boom, Headshot! Since the first stone was laid in this expansion. So Louis settles into sleep. He rolls in bed, his cheek on a bloodied pillow, and suddenly wakes, realises what it is and follows the trail to Louis bedchamber. After doing an excellent job negotiating an alliance with England against the Dutch (which was then promptly overturned), Henriette returns to Versailles just in time to be poisoned and die in blood-soaked agony. Montespan banters but Louis doesnt bite. However, the court (and her brother, Charles II) was told she died of natural causes so he could hardly behead anyone for murder after that. My sources tell me that sadly, we will have to wait until March 2017 (Yes, NEXT YEAR!!!) I am a friend. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. And yes, the Chevalier does live to quite a ripe old age . Louis looks strained, says: I do not regret sending her. Im thinking no. Check Ovation for times and how you can watch Ovation in your area. He was distraught when she died, and was fully intent on punishing those responsible (as poison was indeed thought to have killed her). Cassel leaves, then Montcourt walks away in the direction of Rohan who is discussing the Dauphins outing with a guard. Or because she cant look him in the eye and admit it? I am really liking Sophies growth as a character, who is, of course, beautiful, but with attitude and a strong backbone, as we are now seeing. This is such a clever production team impeccable writing, brilliant cast, sumptuous sets and costumes. Philippe is the complete dysfunctional mess he is thanks to Louis (and their mother) and he would have my complete sympathy, were it not for his raping his wife in a fit of anger and jealousy. Philippe, despite their mutual loathing, was upset and distraught, so suspicion then fell to the absent Chevalier de Lorraine, who at the time was still in exile in Rome. I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy your reviews and will keep reading them through saison 2. OMG he hits Marchal across the face with the candlestick, Louis lunges, Montcourt throws him off and the King smacks his head on a table. Required fields are marked *. Ive found some interesting, unedited sources about him and I hope to write very soon a book to make some justice to this very, very mistreated character. But for that one unforgivable act, I could have felt real sympathy for that walking, talking mess of dysfunction. Then he turns and suddenly a Man In a Mask is standing there. Desire for glory. Louis and Philippe approach the bed, to the dying Henriette who looks really bad. And it certainly wasnt the unwavering, steadfast, loyal or constant love that one would most want from a beloved one. At the time of his birth, his parents had been married for 23 years. In this respect, they are both on fairly equal footing. Henrietta was born on 16 June 1644, on the eve of the Second Battle of Newbury during the Civil War, at Bedford House in Exeter, a seat of William Russell, 5th Earl of Bedford, who had recently returned to the Royalist side. Yet even on her deathbed, she reaches for Louiss hand first. The camera then cuts to Rohan, drinking and brooding in his room, absently stabbing the table with a knife as he glares at a portrait of Louis-as-a-boy (which is a gorgeous portrait and includes Philippe, apparently in a private collection and attributed to artist Charles Beaubrun. yet so satisfying to watch because.. yeah. This is who they truly are in this one moment of grief. Henriette gasps, crying and in pain. AAAAAAHHH. They grew up knowing what their duty was as prince and princess. 1556332. He expressed his doubts to the grief-stricken Charles II, who earnestly believed that his sister had been murdered. Well, my thought is Philippe angrily claiming his conjugal rights may well have happened before. Still with the playing of games, the half-truth words. Remember, Henriette, as a woman, is completely powerless. But that was the thinking of the time. Are there more shows you will review? She actually says I could never love you well which does change the context somewhat. And who can blame her? I think that if he really loved Henriette that much, he wouldnt have gotten over her so quickly and easily, once they dangled a pretty, young blonde newcomer court lady to distract him. Basically he can do what he wants, but she is not allowed to. Montcourt looks nervous, says he doesnt know what he means. NOT AT ALL acceptable in the eyes of pretty much everyone. The flashback of Charlotte being shot is in his head, reminding us (the audience) what happened previously and confirming that Marchal now knows how it was done. but it would cause her too much pain. Then, as they both walk through the salon (Vaux de Vicomte again) and to the doors, the guards bar their way and Louis enters.

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